Thursday, May 7, 2009

Here I am posting again twice in one day.
Thanks for the comments. Today I got my first letter from my grandson Josh as some of you know he just enlisted in the Marines and he is in boot camp at Parris Island,SC.
But I also need to get back to my trip to Judi's again what a great trip that was and seeing how well grounded my other grandchildren are, what a nice thing for a grandparent to see and be a part of, when we are young we marry and have children and then hope that they grow up to the best of their potential and then you have grandchildren oh my goodness it's like having children all over again except you have no control, because now that is up to the parents (our children) and of course I have other grandchildren here as well and talking with Mark is very enlighting, he just knows about a variety of so many different things and it is just so fun to talk with him.
Marisa is so smart and knows so much about what is going on in the world and will keep you on your toes. Sam is so into sports and cheer and is doing great.
See Ya


Judi said...

We are all proud of Josh!! He is doing fine.

Mandy said...

That is sweet!

Kalo's World said...

And all of the grandkids love you so much. You are a fantastic grandmother!

Gary ("Old Dude") said...

---and ya'all come back soon now, yuh heah? (lol)